Release Notes - July 21, 2023
We recently released a batch of updates to PromoSuite Production to help you more efficiently manage the workflow of your audio production operation. Please contact support with any questions!
- [Hybrid Orders] Users now have the ability to create orders with "production needed" & "production provided" spots in the same order. Watch the video overview.
- [Order Entry] Contract start date & end date fields are no longer required fields.
- [Producer Assigns VO] When the "Producer Assigns VO" setting is toggled on, the user inputting the order is no longer required to define “how many” VOs are needed. Instead, the number of VOs will be defined in the VO Instructions. Up [8] VOs can be added in the Assign VO tab. Further, a user can now change the label on the VO, for example, instead of saying "VO1" they can type in a name, such as “Sal Smith” to indicate who voices which part. Watch the video overview.
- [Filtering Produced Spots Queue] Added a Filter View panel in the Produced Spots Queue. Users can now filter by station, client, expiration date, status, spot type, and dates. Account Executives will continue to only see their clients, and users with privileges to see all orders will be able to filter by all clients. Watch the video overview.
- [Production Queue view improvements] Production Managers can now see granular details for all orders, on one screen, and take a wide range of actions from the same page. Watch the overview video.
- [Removed Due Date field from Production Details to Creative Details] So users may enter different due dates for multiple spots in the same order. If a Due Date is added for the first spot in the order, that due date will automatically be carried over to the other spots in rotation but can be changed if needed.
- [Added Due Date field for Spec Orders] This field is displayed under Creative Details, and if entered will also show in the Due Date column in the Production Queue, My Tasks and My Assignments screens.
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