Using the PromoSuite Next Contests & Audience integration
Once you've configured your Audience (formerly Aptivada) account, you can begin using the PromoSuite Next Contests & Aptivada integration, which enables you to share Audiencecontest entrants to PromoSuite Next Contests.
To import all registrants into PromoSuite Next from your Audience Sweepstakes form, you'll follow the Complete Entry path.
To import only the contest winners you've selected in Audience, you'll follow the Winner Chosen path.
Complete Entry Path (All Registrants)
Step 1: Creating a Sign Up Form in Audience
Begin by creating a sweepstakes form as you normally would, including any fields for information you wish to collect from contest registrants. |
After creating your form, scroll to the top of the page and click “integrations.”
Click “add event.” |
Click “complete entry.” | |
You may see the PromoSuite Contests integration grayed out in the list of Integrations. Use the “on” toggle to activate the integration. |
Step 2: Tracking Registrants in PromoSuite Next
Through this integration, creating a registration form in Aptivada automatically creates a Registration Contest within PromoSuite Next when the first person signs up. | |
Registrants are marked as such in their Listener History. | |
You can use the Contest Winners Report in PromoSuite Next to view a list of registrants. |
Final Steps: Selecting & Marking Winners in PromoSuite Next
Once the contest is complete and the online registration has ended, you can use the Pick Random utility to pick one or more winners for this contest.
Go to Front Desk > Listener Database > Utilities > Pick Random to find the Registration Contest that was created through the Aptivada integration.
Select the contest to view its list of entrants. |
Above the list is a button to “Pick Random” which allows you to select one or more winners and adjust for number of times entered, if desired. |
You’ll see the results of your selection and can click “Mark Contest Winners” which will allow you to assign the random winners to the Standard/Online Contest you created. If you wish to re-pick random winners, click “Show All” and follow the “Pick Random” steps again.
As an alternative to the “Pick Random" process described above, you can select a winner in another way, by going to your contest and simply using the “Add Winners” button.
A final option is to add the contest to the winner’s history through the database.
Go to Front Desk > Listener Database > Listeners and search for your selected winner.
Click the name of the winner you wish to select from the results of the Contest Winners Report. Go to Listener History. Click the blue + icon on the right. |
Select Contest Won, update the date on which the contest was won, select the contest you created from the list of available contests, and save. |
Winner Chosen Path (Selected Winners Only)
Step 1: Creating a Sign Up Form in Audience
Begin by creating a sweepstakes form as you normally would, including any fields for information you wish to collect from contest registrants. | |
After creating your form, scroll to the top of the page and click “integrations.”
Click “add event.” |
Click "winner chosen." | |
You may see the PromoSuite Contests integration grayed out in the list of Integrations. Use the “on” toggle to activate the integration. |
Step 2: Tracking Winner(s) in PromoSuite Next
Start by choosing your winner(s) in Aptivada. You must do this before proceeding to PromoSuite Next. | |
Log into PromoSuite Next and proceed to Promotions > Contests > Online Contests.
Find the contest by name using the keyword search feature or clicking the manila folder icon to view the list of available contests (as shown). |
Once you've selected the contest go to the Prizes tab to link the prize. | |
If you are creating a new prize you'll allocate it to the Online allocation category. | |
Once your prize is added you can return to the Contest Info tab to view the Winner History list and click on the winner name(s) to contact them, or you can use the Batch Winner Processing utility to begin the Contact-Free Prize Fulfillment process. |
When using "Winner Chosen" you can continue to add contest winners throughout the flight of the contest by picking them in Audience; any time you pick a winner it will add that name to the contest in PromoSuite Next automatically.
If a winner is mistakenly added through Audience you will need to go into the Listener's History and delete the contest win in PromoSuite Next to remove that name from the list of winners.
If an online contest is generated through a Sales Request Form in PromoSuite Next you can use the integration, however, the sweepstakes form name in Audience must match the Online Contest name in PromoSuite Next exactly in order for the integration to work.
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